Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. – Matthew 11:28
A conscience burdened with a load of guilt is the heaviest affliction to bear in this present world. But when repentant sinners come to Jesus Christ, He heals their wounded hearts. All who labor and are heavy laden under a sense of guilt are invited to come to Jesus, and all who obey His invitation find rest and peace.
There is hope for you if you are convinced that your heart is wicked and your life is sinful, and that you desire a deliverance from your wretched condition. Jesus sees your sorrow; His compassion is moving towards you. He says to you, “Come unto me.” But you may ask, “Where will I find Him?” He is now in Heaven, but you may have access to Him by faith and prayer, for His presence is not confined to the heavenly world.
Come to Jesus just as you are, with all your guilt and sinfulness and misery. You cannot save yourself. The more you try to better your condition by your own efforts, the worse you will be. Come to Jesus without delay. Your time is uncertain. This hour you are on earth; the next hour you may be in hell. “Behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation” (2 Corinthians 6:2). Come to Jesus with humility. Say to Him, “I have sinned and done wickedly. These words, coming from a contrite heart, will open the door of His mercy. Come to Jesus with a believing heart. You must believe two things: (1) that Jesus is able to save you; (2) that He is willing to save you. He has unlimited power, and He extends His goodness to every human being. Therefore throw away your doubts and fears and “go boldly” by prayer to the throne of His grace (Hebrews 4:16). Believe on Jesus as the atonement for your sins, and He will forgive them all. Your soul will enjoy sweet rest and peace. “Peace I (Jesus) leave with you, my peace I give unto you” (John 14:27). When the guilt of your sin is removed, you will have no fear of punishment, for whoever is pardoned cannot be punished. All your fears of death and hell will be taken away from you when your sins are forgiven. What can the world offer you to equal this rest and peace of your soul?
There is no salvation for guilty sinners except in Jesus. We would all everlastingly perish if it were not for His merit and His intercession for us in the presence of God . Let us go to Him by believing prayer for grace and salvation while His mercy may be obtained! – Adapted from an old sermon by Jonathan Edmondson