Living Water

By G. D. Watson “If thou knewest the gift of God, and who it is that saith to thee, Give me to drink; thou wouldest have asked of him, and he would have given thee living water.” – Jesus; John 4:10 The Scriptures teach that the human soul can be cleansed from every form of … Read more

Entire Sanctification

By Adam Clarke The word sanctify has two meanings. It signifies to consecrate; that is, to separate from earthly and common use and devote or dedicate to God and His service. It also signifies to make holy or pure. Many talk much, and indeed well, of what Christ has done for us, but how little … Read more

Ye Shall Receive the Gift of the Holy Ghost

SCRIPTURAL HOLINESS: WHAT IT IS AND HOW TO OBTAIN IT. By John Thomas HOLINESS is a Bible word, and from Gene­sis to Revelation we see that: (1) Holiness is commanded. (2) Holiness is promised. (3) Holiness is offered. (4) Holiness is obtainable. (5) Holiness is experienced. In Hebrews 12:14 we read, “Follow peace with all men, … Read more

Sanctification is Not a Growth in Grace

By Beverly Carradine Here is where multiplied thousands fall into error: they have failed to distinguish between two sep­arate and distinct things. By insisting that holiness and growth in grace are the same, they have made the work of man and the work of God identical. This is a very grave error. So long as … Read more

David  B. Updegraff’s Testimony To Entire Sanctification

There were a good many people who gave me trouble, but as I learned more of myself I discovered one *old man who gave me more trouble than all the others. * The phrase “old man” is biblical language for sinful human nature. His sinful deeds had been put off, and I felt no condemnation, … Read more

Steps to Holiness

By G. D. Watson There springs up in the heart of the new Christian a desire to grow in grace, but his views of growth are vague. As he looks forward to his Christian journey, a mist hangs over the dis­tant horizon. He does not clearly understand the hindrances in his own nature to spiritual … Read more

Daniel Steele’s Testimony To Entire Sanctification

My early religious experience was variable, and for the most part consisted in, “Sorrows and sins, and doubts and fears, A howling wilderness.” The personality of the Holy Spirit was an article of faith rather than a joyful realization. He had breathed life into me, but not the more abundant life. I was free from … Read more

J. O. Peck’s Testimony To Entire Sanctification

I had a deep hunger in my heart that I never had before. I hardly knew what to make of it. As far as I could judge, I had not lost any spirituality. I scarcely knew what I longed for, and as I examined myself and prayed more earnestly, the hunger of my soul grew … Read more

Is Sin Suppressed or Eradicated?

By A. M. Hills CALVARY COVERS IT ALL! The next day John seeth Jesus coming unto him, and saith, Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world. – John 1:29 For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil.  – 1 … Read more